
Learning from history to co-create our future

Let's build apps and 3d prototypes, reusing Public domain arts and history collections! Platoniq, a Europeana Labs associate, developed a Co-creation methodology in collaboration with the Europeana Foundation to promote the reuse of European cultural heritage resources by makers communities. Our practical sessions have been adapted using various techniques and principles from creative thinking, rapid prototyping and agile development.
Culturelabs master chefs

Platoniq hosting the Culture Labs ignition workshop: co-designing the journey together

Co-LearningSelf-managementCommunities / NetworksTecnology reappropiation

Contributors: Platoniq

Last 3rd and 4th of July, in Barcelona, participants of the European project CultureLabs gathered in an intense and productive two day workshop at the huge ex-industrial-now-cultural “creation factory” Fabra i Coats. The two-day session helped CultureLabs to be shaped as an increasingly more coherent project, in which actors share a common language and know each other’s understandings and goals for this three years journey. Platoniq, with its in-house expertise in co-creation and agile design... Read more

#LimonaData con Vangoyourself y Europeana. Patrimonio Cultural y Datos Abiertos

Co-LearningP2P economyCommunities / NetworksEuropeana

Contributors: Platoniq

Vuelven las sesiónes #LimonaData en la sede de Palma de Mallorca de Goteo para seguir celebrando la llegada de la primavera. En esta ocasión, la rica limonada natural 100% artesanal y ecológica acompañará a Jane Finnis (Culture24), Jill Cousins (Fundación Europeana) y Enric Senabre (Platoniq) Aprovechamos la visita de Jill Cousins, Directora de Europeana y Jane Finnis, Directora de Culture24 para invitarte a la presentación de VanGoYourself, un ejemplo fantástico de cómo el... Read more
Europeana Labs Business Model

Europeana Labs: nuevo portal para generar apps en torno al legado cultural europeo

P2P economyCommunities / NetworksTecnology reappropiationICTsEuropeana

Contributors: Enric Senabre

Europeana Labs es una nueva plataforma de incubación abierta que ofrece todo lo necesario para empezar a usar las API de Europeana y así poder desarrollar aplicaciones reutilizando objetos digitalizados del patrimonio cultural europeo. Creada a partir del proyecto eCreative, en que Platoniq colabora junto a 26 partners del resto de Europa, la plataforma permite reutilizar y aprender más acerca de los datos abiertos a los que da acceso, ver lo que otros miembros de la comunidad han... Read more
eCreative Cards

Otro reto creativo: enriquecer colecciones abiertas de audio para redes sociales

Co-LearningSelf-managementP2P economyCommunities / Networks

¿Cómo ayudar a geolocalizar y enriquecer fácilmente sonidos de aves, aviones y sonidos urbanos y luego compartirlos a través de redes sociales? Si te suena interesante, sigue leyendo sobre cómo se está desarrollando una aplicación así, y cómo participar con ideas similares en la segunda ronda de desafíos creativos de Europeana Creative. Prototipo en desarrollo Como otro proyecto piloto de eCreative, estamos desarrollando un prototipo que utilizando la cartografía y herramientas de línea de tiempo de Historypin... Read more

Starting the Evaluation of eCreative Pilots

Co-LearningCommunities / NetworksGames

Contributors: Platoniq

Now that some of the pilots under development have gone through the different phases of co-creation, identification of requirements, visual design, connection with Europeana content and different levels of basic performance, it is time to begin the prototype evaluation, especially in relation to usability and user experience. We will be assessing the learning materials created for Historiana in the History Education Pilot, as well as the two games related to natural history content, which have specific target audiences in the educational sector. One of the critical aspects of any interface is the way end users interact with it (in this case, especially in connection with learning aspects). An early testing... Read more
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