
Learning from history to co-create our future

Let's build apps and 3d prototypes, reusing Public domain arts and history collections! Platoniq, a Europeana Labs associate, developed a Co-creation methodology in collaboration with the Europeana Foundation to promote the reuse of European cultural heritage resources by makers communities. Our practical sessions have been adapted using various techniques and principles from creative thinking, rapid prototyping and agile development.
eCreative 2015

Súmate al desafío de diseño abierto en torno a contenidos de Europeana

Communities / NetworksGamesP2PTecnology reappropiationEuropeana

Contributors: Platoniq

En el proyecto Europeana Creative en que colaboramos desde Platoniq, donde nos encargamos de diseñar y aplicar metodologías de co-creación y de evaluación de resultados, para la generación de nuevas aplicaciones basadas en el contenido cultural digitalizado de cientos de instituciones europeas, hemos lanzado un tercer challenge participativo. Una vez más estamos buscando diseñadores, artistas, desarrolladores, start-ups y emprendedores con ganas de reutilizar los contenidos... Read more
Memories Of Lawn Tennis

¿Cansado de sólo contemplar cuadros? ¡Pues métete en ellos!

Co-LearningP2P economyCommunities / NetworksGamesICTsEuropeana

Contributors: Platoniq

¿Alguna vez has querido recrear una versión del cuadro La lechera de Vermeer en su propia cocina, o reunirte con tus amigos un sábado por la noche y volver a escenificar la pintura La última cena de Leonardo Da Vinci? VanGoYourself, una nueva plataforma conceptualizada y desarrollada bajo la iniciativa Europeana Creative en la que participamos, acaba de lanzarse para permitir que la gente redescubra y participe en pinturas clásicas de todo el mundo de una manera nueva y emocionante. VanGoYourself anima a recrear escenas clásicas de algunos de los cuadros más famosos del mundo en un entorno... Read more

Starting the Evaluation of eCreative Pilots

Co-LearningCommunities / NetworksGames

Contributors: Platoniq

Now that some of the pilots under development have gone through the different phases of co-creation, identification of requirements, visual design, connection with Europeana content and different levels of basic performance, it is time to begin the prototype evaluation, especially in relation to usability and user experience. We will be assessing the learning materials created for Historiana in the History Education Pilot, as well as the two games related to natural history content, which have specific target audiences in the educational sector. One of the critical aspects of any interface is the way end users interact with it (in this case, especially in connection with learning aspects). An early testing... Read more
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eCreative 2015

The aim of the Europeana Creative Design Challenge is to engage designers, artists, developers and entrepreneurs to explore and experiment with with cultural heritage content available in Europeana. We challenge ingenious minds and makers to rethink and redesign our common culture, and produce innovative and novel interpretations that make use of digital cultural content and data sourced from Europeana.

The challenge opened on the 30th October 2014 and online submissions are welcome until 15th January, 2015