

Interviews, case studies and reports of experiences, lived by Platoniq or other similar collectives, that can be used as a source of inspiration.
UrbanLabs09 - Caldos

Urban Labs: Tecnociudadanía y Socioinnovación

Self-managementP2P economyCommunities / NetworksTecnology reappropiationICTs

Contributors: Enric Senabre, Platoniq

En la segunda edición de UrbanLabs, las Jornadas sobre Tecnociudadanía y Socioinnovación que organiza anualmente CitiLab-Cornellà, Platoniq propuso una serie de sesiones de trabajo P2P en las que se presentaron proyectos sociales con algún componente de nuevas tecnologías en fase de desarrollo. Tres días para intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos y hacer networking en Citilab-Cornellà en torno a ideas y hechos concretos que muestren cómo la ciudadanía tiene mucho que decir sobre la realidad política, cultural y económica que vivimos, desde los territorios urbanos y digitales que... Read more
Ideiazoka 3


Sharing resourcesP2P economyCommunities / NetworksSocial Innovation

Contributors: Platoniq

Within the frame of the programme for innovation Disonancias, Ideazoka is Market of Ideas produced by Platoniq and the Department for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mondragon. Ideazoka wants to be a meeting point and a space for public participation where cooperatives and companies, students, researchers, workers, early retired people and citizens will contact echa other to create a map of opportunities and mutual collaborations. Research commissioned To design an "environment" where activities aimed at the developemt of creative, innovative and entrepreneurial abilities are encouraged in the short to medium term for engineering students,... Read more

Venture Communism

Self-managementP2P economyP2PTecnology reappropiationICTs

Contributors: Telekommunisten

Platoniq interviews Dmytri Kleiner, from Telekommunisten (1) 1. What are the origins of your project? When did it start? What were the main goals? The Telekommunisten project was launched on May 1st, 2006, the main goals of the project to create a worker's collective to serve as the first "venture communist" company, putting into practice the results of my research in to alternative economics. We want to launch a worker-owned company that provides internet and telephone service and earns enough to employ us, provide the financial basis for our political and artistic production as well. We have had one product, Dialstation, in beta-testing all year, and May 1st, 2008, two years after we announced the project, we hope to start to building our user base and working towards... Read more
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Dmytri Kleiner: Dialstation

Cápsula grabada durante el Mercado de Intercambio de Conocimientos Libres, Barcelona 2008. Organizado por Platoniq.