
Games and methologies

Sessions on applied creativity, experimental dynamics of co-learning, co-working or collective decision making. Games and methodologies that help to understand how some networks protocols or emblematic digitals tools work. Innovative formats.
BCK 2008 - Collective Evaluation

Content Assessment Systems

Self-managementGamesP2PICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Ismael Peña-López

The idea is comparing the traditional academic system of double blind peer review with other systems emerging on the Information Society to assess content in online communities, like the ones used in Wikipedia, Slashdot or Digg. But without using computers: everything off-line, analogue. A project within the framework of the Bank of Common Knowledge, the idea is to help communities — online or offline, whatever — to evaluate their incoming content in order to assess its suitability for their purposes. To do so, we created a workshop were the rudiments of several systems (three, so far) were explained, compared and practiced in simulations of situations where such content had to be evaluated... Read more
Social Tagging

Social Tagging

Co-LearningSharing resourcesCommunities / NetworksGamesP2PICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Platoniq

The Social Tagging game is inspired by the concept of folksonomy, a form of common categorization by means of designations and key words in a space without hierarchies or predetermined family relationships. It is a process which takes place in social software environments, such as common websites like (favorite links) or Flickr (photos). This game belongs to a series of methodologies and experimental strategies intended for the establishment and dynamisation of a local Common Bank of Knowledge. The game series is called P2Pedagogics and includes different exercises, in which methodologies of free software, P2P systems and social networks are explained or applied to processes of collective organization, production and common learning. a) Concept, practise, tool in which it... Read more
Commons Lab. BCK 2008

A Lab without walls

Co-LearningSelf-managementCommunities / NetworksGamesLegalAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Antonio Lafuente

MediaLabPrado (Madrid) gathers a group of scholar and activists to study how to make visible and understandable the commons. For more than 2 years different approaches have been taken and the main criteria has been collaboration and openess. This approach emulates laboratory practices that is the reason for the name: Commons Lab. Lab It is often said that a family, a hospital, or a river are social laboratories, as they give rise to relations or conflicts that make it possible to understand all or part of the social environment of which they are a part, or which they help to create. Thus, by looking at a fragment of the world, it can be seen in its entirety, which is to say that several variables are sufficient (those that make it possible to plan, structure, and order) to gain a general... Read more
Game P2P vs Web 2.0

P2P versus Web 2.0 - Network Economics: The Game

GamesTecnology reappropiationICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Telekommunisten

CONCEPT / GOAL / OBJECTIVES When we use our computers and digital networks to send information it seems to go instantaneously from the sender to the receiver, so frequently we do not think about the path it takes, or the political and economic implications of this path. From the late seventies to the early nineties networked communications for most people meant being a paying customer of an "online service" - the most prominent of these was CompuServe. Using such a service meant that CompuServe, a private company, had full control of your communication - including who you could communicate... Read more
Felipe Fonseca. BCK 2008

Collective Moderation

Self-managementCommunities / NetworksICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: MetaReciclagem, Felipe Fonseca

Collaborators: Leo Germani, Elenara Iabel, Marcelo Braz, Wanderlynne Selva, mailing list. The world wide web has been proposed in the early nineties as a free space, through which anyone could have access to a wide diversity of human knowledge. Later on, the web has also been identified as a brave new world in which every person would have the opportunity to interact with virtually any other and share his/her own knowledge, adding to the creation of a "collective intelligence", which would contain all sorts of useful (and also useless) information. If in one hand that has led to real disruptive technologies allowing new voices to be expressed throughout the world, on the other hand the huge amount of information available in any single moment exceeded what a person could be... Read more
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Social Tagging

Social Tagging. Ars Electronica.