
Games and methologies

Sessions on applied creativity, experimental dynamics of co-learning, co-working or collective decision making. Games and methodologies that help to understand how some networks protocols or emblematic digitals tools work. Innovative formats.
BCK 2008 - Collective Evaluation

Content Assessment Systems

Self-managementGamesP2PICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Ismael Peña-López

The idea is comparing the traditional academic system of double blind peer review with other systems emerging on the Information Society to assess content in online communities, like the ones used in Wikipedia, Slashdot or Digg. But without using computers: everything off-line, analogue. A project within the framework of the Bank of Common Knowledge, the idea is to help communities — online or offline, whatever — to evaluate their incoming content in order to assess its suitability for their purposes. To do so, we created a workshop were the rudiments of several systems (three, so far) were explained, compared and practiced in simulations of situations where such content had to be evaluated... Read more
P2Pedagogy: MonaLisa_torrent

MonaLisa.torrent: P2P Game

Co-LearningSelf-managementP2P economyCommunities / Networks

Contributors: Platoniq

a) Concept, practise, tool in which it is inspired upon The peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) communications protocol BitTorrent b) Goals • Dealing with the concept of reproduction as a positive paradigm for creation and collective production • Representing a possible work methodology based on horizontal learning • Adressing cooperative action as a problem-solving strategy in human activity coordination • Dealing with the concept of commons as a resource usage structure • Introducing state-of-the-art technology c) Operating instructions • Introduction to basic P2P and the Bittorrent protocol • A competition game is laid out, with groups of 4 or 3 • Each group is given a photocopy... Read more
Felipe Fonseca. BCK 2008

Collective Moderation

Self-managementCommunities / NetworksICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: MetaReciclagem, Felipe Fonseca

Collaborators: Leo Germani, Elenara Iabel, Marcelo Braz, Wanderlynne Selva, mailing list. The world wide web has been proposed in the early nineties as a free space, through which anyone could have access to a wide diversity of human knowledge. Later on, the web has also been identified as a brave new world in which every person would have the opportunity to interact with virtually any other and share his/her own knowledge, adding to the creation of a "collective intelligence", which would contain all sorts of useful (and also useless) information. If in one hand that has led to real disruptive technologies allowing new voices to be expressed throughout the world, on the other hand the huge amount of information available in any single moment exceeded what a person could be... Read more

Juego Posiciones, Posicionamientos

Self-managementGamesAnalogies of digital

Contributors: David Gómez

PRESENTACIÓN Conocí esta metodología hacia el año 1992, en un taller sobre democracia participativa dinamizado por Stefano Puddu y Oriol Leira en la asociación Ecoconcern. Posteriormente, he utilizado esta metodología en algunas ocasiones, sobre todo en el ámbito docente. OBJETIVOS Los objetivos dependerán del contexto donde el juego se aplique y del tema que se esté tratando, pero algunos de los objetivos a alcanzar podrían ser: Hacer visibles las posiciones dentro de un grupo, obtener un "mapa" de los puntos de vista sobre una cuestión. Aproximarse a posiciones de consenso. Hacer visibles las discrepancias y/o conflictos dentro del grupo. ... Read more

Who Wants To Be?

Self-managementCommunities / NetworksGamesAnalogies of digital

Contributors: The People Speak, Saul Albert

Introduction What follows is an explanation of a particular set of methods developed since 2004 by The People Speak to help large groups of people with highly diverse ideas, opinions and points of view to make important decisions as a group, to come to creative compromises, and to have fun in the process. This explanation may serve as a guide for others wishing to facilitate decision making in related situations. It is likely that the methods will require adaptation in each instance. If you or your group choose to use these strategies and techniques and have observations or improvements to suggest, please contribute them to the project wiki. Spontaneity Who Wants to Be? is a spontaneous, democratic gameshow, where the audience makes up the questions, has all the answers and sets the rules. The basic premise is that every member of the audience has a vote, and that they can propose ideas... Read more
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Suported by:

Ismael Peña-López

Doctor en Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento y profesor de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Editor de ICTlogy.