
Goteo, social network for p2p creative credits

We are putting GOTEO in motion. GOTEO is a digital platform conceived to build a network for the production, micro-financing and distribution of resources for creative-oriented enterprises or individuals, and for the development of social, cultural, educative and tech projects aimed at strengthening the commons. We are researching return mechanisms for this new structure between producers and micro-donors, or towards the public domain. This return can be in the form of money, time (hours of formation or assistance for other projects), or physical products such as open hardware or open designs.

Open communities business models. Chapter 1: Open Hardware

P2P economyTecnology reappropiation

Contributors: Massimo Menichinelli

Since Goteo aims to develope a social network for free culture microfinancing based on the notion of community profit introducing the possibility of returning money in the form of packets of "training" and educational methodogies, FLOSS code or physical products such as open hardware or open design, we have teamed up with to publish a series of articles looking deeper at open communities business models. We start with an overview of Open Hardware which will be followed by 2 posts on Open Craft and Fablabs. Enjoy! Open Hardware Definitions The current Open Source Hardware Draft Definition is... Read more
Detractores del crowdfunding

Del garaje al crowdfunding. Innovación y financiación en red

P2P economy

Contributors: Platoniq

"No es cuestión de filantropía o de caridad. Es cuestión de mecenazgo y de comercio." Perry Chen, cofundador de Kickstarter La noción romántica del garaje como nido o caldo de cultivo para ideas y compañías de enorme éxito comercial forma parte del imaginario colectivo gracias a una serie de historias más o menos mitificadas que, a lo largo del siglo XX, dieron un pequeño giro al estándar del sueño americano: Walt Disney, Mattel, Apple Computer, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard y muchas otras firmas empezaron en uno de esos garajes. Y a pesar de lo difícil que pueda resultar exportar ese ideal a otros contextos... Read more
Goteo. Microfinanciación

Goteo, social network for distributed financing and creative credits

P2P economy

Contributors: Platoniq

Goteo (CC microcredits) is an ongoing research on creative currencies and p2p-financing systems. Goteo aims to develope a social network for free culture microfinancing based on the notion of community profit introducing the possibility of returning money in the form of packets of "training" and educational methodogies, FLOSS code or physical products (open hardware/open design) involving community development and emancipation. The aim of Microcréditos CC is to establish together with producers, lawyers, economists and fiscal experts a simple, effective and CC-inspired graphical and... Read more
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Detractores del crowdfunding

En una entrada de julio de 2010 en el blog de la plataforma de crowdfunding para startups Grow VC, uno de sus responsables planteaba esta comparación entre el crowdfunding y los sistemas tradicionales del sector empresarial "(Los detractores del crowdfunding) que se aferran a la idea de que una comunidad de personas no puede financiar startups mediante contribuciones de 5, 10 y 20 dólares.