Plataformas de crowdfunding

Goteo, taller de financiación distribuida. CCCB

Self-managementP2P economyCommunities / NetworksP2PICTs

Contributors: Platoniq

Los interesados en las nuevas plataformas de microfinanciación en la web están de suerte. El próximo martes 14 de diciembre realizaremos el taller "Goteo, cultura de la microfinanciación", de 10:00 a... Read more
Goteo. Microfinanciación

Goteo, social network for distributed financing and creative credits

P2P economyCommunities / NetworksSocial InnovationICTs

Contributors: Platoniq

Goteo (CC microcredits) is an ongoing research on creative currencies and p2p-financing systems. Goteo aims to develope a social network for free culture microfinancing based on the notion of community... Read more
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Goteo. Microfinanciación

original Picture from the Liquidbank Project: