
Ideacamp. Connected Action for the Commons

Despúes de co-organizar las 2 primeras ediciones de Ideacamp en Marsella y en Stockholmo con partners de la red Connected Action for the Commons, para la última edición de Idea Camp, co-producido por el ayuntamiento de Madrid y la European Cultural Foundation, hemos puesto en marcha dinámicas que permiten presentar, compartir y madurar 50 ideas de modo presencial, contando con el apoyo de expertos, investigadores y activistas con mucha experiencia en procesos de transformación social y cultural. Con resultados medibles y tangibles.
Communities of Practice

“Communities of Practice Towards Social Change”, a book by the European Cultural Foundation

Co-aprendizajeComunidades / RedesP2PInnovación social

Between 2014 and 2017 as Platoniq / Goteo we have been part of the Connected Action for the Commons network initiated by the European Cultural Foundation and we are proud of the work we have done as a team and collectively in collaboration with the 6 hubs that make up the network. One of our greatest satisfactions in this work has been co-organising and hosting the 2017 Idea Camp “Moving communities” in Madrid. In 2018, upon... Leer más
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Communities of Practice