
Games and methologies

Sessions on applied creativity, experimental dynamics of co-learning, co-working or collective decision making. Games and methodologies that help to understand how some networks protocols or emblematic digitals tools work. Innovative formats.
Elgoog. The game


Co-LearningSelf-managementCommunities / NetworksGames

Contributors: Platoniq

Elgoog (The Tracker) is a versatile simulation game designed to be adaptable to different contexts. In a simplified and didactic way, it reproduces several scenarios that emulate both real and imaginary experiences, so players can think of ficticious situations that can shed light on an organization's problems and obstacles. It also can represent new situations, so participants can learn to solve them in a cooperative way by contributing with new ideas, connections and collaborators still to be had into account. Participants must play roles that involve different degrees of cooperation or rivalry, and solve challenges by means of making decisions that will affect the situation being discussed. The game stage may discover several factors that interfere (natural, social, cultural...), as well as... Read more
Cards on the table


Co-LearningCommunities / NetworksGamesSocial Innovation

Contributors: Platoniq

CASINNOVATION is an innovative workshop method using creative techniques and materials to quickly evaluate the impact of creative and artistic interventions on innovation processes in organizations. Dramaturgy of the session follows the rules of Casino Games to share ideas and concepts, in which any member of the group can and must invert symbolic currency made of magnets. One of these games is the Roleplay Poker in which business cards of the players are used to accomplish missions in their organization using a conceptual map and "trivial" case scenarios. Another funny part of the workshop is the Creative Roulette which allows players to invert in creativity processes and think quick and forward,... Read more
Building a market

Construyendo un ecosistema de colaboración abierta.

Sharing resourcesP2P economyCommunities / NetworksGamesICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: Juan Freire

Introducción   A pesar de que los mercados son agentes ubicuos que conforman la dinámica socioeconómica, su funcionamiento es en ocasiones malinterpretado o, al menos, escasamente conocido. De este modo, muchas de las críticas o defensas del capitalismo fallan al no incorporar, o hacerlo de modo erróneo, un elemento esencial para comprender los procesos que afectan a nuestras sociedades. Por otra parte, la digitalización del conocimiento y la irrupción de Internet han modificado de modo drástico el escenario en el que se desarrollan las fuerzas económicas. En particular, desaparecen o se... Read more
P2Pedagogy: MonaLisa_torrent

MonaLisa.torrent: P2P Game

Co-LearningSelf-managementP2P economyCommunities / Networks

Contributors: Platoniq

a) Concept, practise, tool in which it is inspired upon The peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) communications protocol BitTorrent b) Goals • Dealing with the concept of reproduction as a positive paradigm for creation and collective production • Representing a possible work methodology based on horizontal learning • Adressing cooperative action as a problem-solving strategy in human activity coordination • Dealing with the concept of commons as a resource usage structure • Introducing state-of-the-art technology c) Operating instructions • Introduction to basic P2P and the Bittorrent protocol • A competition game is laid out, with groups of 4 or 3 • Each group is given a photocopy... Read more
Felipe Fonseca. BCK 2008

Collective Moderation

Self-managementCommunities / NetworksICTsAnalogies of digital

Contributors: MetaReciclagem, Felipe Fonseca

Collaborators: Leo Germani, Elenara Iabel, Marcelo Braz, Wanderlynne Selva, mailing list. The world wide web has been proposed in the early nineties as a free space, through which anyone could have access to a wide diversity of human knowledge. Later on, the web has also been identified as a brave new world in which every person would have the opportunity to interact with virtually any other and share his/her own knowledge, adding to the creation of a "collective intelligence", which would contain all sorts of useful (and also useless) information. If in one hand that has led to real disruptive technologies allowing new voices to be expressed throughout the world, on the other hand the huge amount of information available in any single moment exceeded what a person could be... Read more
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Building a market