

Interviews, case studies and reports of experiences, lived by Platoniq or other similar collectives, that can be used as a source of inspiration.
Designing for Civil Society

Learning Games

Co-LearningSelf-managementCommunities / NetworksGamesP2PICTs

Contributors: Designing for Civil Society, David Wilcox

Platoniq interviews David Wilcox, from Designing for Civil Society (1) 1. What are the origins of your project? When did it start? What were the main goals?   In 2003 I was thinking about starting a blog, and went to a workshop called Designing for Civil Society, at a conference. I suggested we blog the workshop... And afterwards I kept it going. 2. What needs does it address, what sort of problems does it try to solve? I have worked as a print journalist, and as a consultant in regeneration, community engagement, and partnership organisations. The focus of the blog -and my current work- is on how to mix face-to-face and online communication for collaborations. I continue to work as a consultant, helping people develop processes for collaboration.   3.... Read more


Self-managementSharing resourcesP2P economyCommunities / NetworksP2PTecnology reappropiationICTs

Contributors: MetaReciclagem, Felipe Fonseca

Platoniq entrevista a Felipe Fonseca, de MetaReciclagem (Brasil) (1) 1. Describe brevemente la comunidad en cuestión (incluyendo la situación geográfica, la población afectada y las circunstancias económicas). El proyecto MetaReciclagem, como red descentralizada, trabaja con diversas comunidades por todo Brasil, agregadas alrededor de lo que llamamos "esporas" (centros de metarreciclaje) y "conecTAZes" (proyectos que se benefician de tecnología reapropiada). Esto comprende desde la comunidad de Sacadura Cabral, favela urbanizada de Santo André que cuenta con una espora; los frecuentadores del SESC Pompeía, que participan de talleres esporádicos o InstallFests; hasta las personas involucradas en los más de 100 puntos de cultura que están siendo... Read more
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Designing for Civil Society

Designing for Civil Society is an organization created by David Wilcox and Drew Mackie, who work together in the production of projects and community involvement since 1980, always engaged in the development of games and ludic seminars and workshops. Currently their interests are finding ways to help people to connect and get involved with community organization by using social software and creative events.