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project-symbol-png proyecto 5

Open Project

Migrant Dialogues

The Migrant Dialogues are a first step in the elaboration of a Migrant Constitution that aims to give voice to and understand the model of society of a totally heterogeneous group of people who are traversed by the contradictions of a complex world, which must be navigated if we want to build a fairer and more egalitarian society.

project-symbol-png The motor group goes out to the neighbourhood market to give the workshop to neighbours and vendors. Platoniq // ZEMOS98. Antonio Miñán. CC BY-NC-NDproyecto3

Open Project

School of Creativity & Democracy

The School of Creativity and Democracy aims to improve citizen participation and political engagement in public policy and decision-making as well as to prepare young people for democratic renewal through alternative practices and cultural strategies. Combining online and face-to-face formats, the School's offer aims to shape a culture of continuous participation in Spain.


Closed Project

Pare Manel Retos Sociales